Criminal Record Expungement in Alabama

If you were arrested, charged or even convicted of a crime in Alabama in the past and would like it permanently removed from your criminal history, you may qualify for an Expungement!

Walton Law Firm, P.C. and their team of Top Criminal Defense Attorneys and Staff have successfully represented many clients during the vigorous expungement process, giving their clients a clean slate and an ability to move on with their lives. Reach out to us if you are in need of an Alabama expungement lawyer.

Contact the Top Alabama Criminal Law Attorneys at Walton Law Firm to see if you qualify to have your record expunged

Misdemeanor – NO Conviction

If you were charged with a nonviolent misdemeanor, such as a Public Intoxication, DUI that resulted in no injuries or harm, a misdemeanor drug possession charge, or any other nonviolent misdemeanor, you could qualify to have those charges expunged off your record. However, your charge must have either been dismissed or you completed some type of pre-trial diversion program, drug program or any other court deferred prosecution program. Learn More.

Misdemeanor – Conviction

If you were charged AND convicted of a nonviolent misdemeanor, such as a Public Intoxication, DUI that resulted in no harm, a misdemeanor possession charge, or any other nonviolent misdemeanor, you could qualify to have that charge expunged from your record.  Because there was an actual conviction, different rules will apply than a non-conviction expungement. Learn More.

Felony – NO Conviction

If you were charged with a felony, but NOT convicted, many of the same rules apply regarding your qualifications as they do with a non-conviction misdemeanor charge.  Again, the original felony charge cannot be classified as a violent crime.  Furthermore, the felony must have either been dismissed or you completed some sort of court deferred prosecution program.  However, there is one difference. Learn More from the experienced Alabama expungement lawyers at Walton Law Firm.

Felony – Conviction

If you were charged with a felony AND convicted of that felony – you have a long road ahead attempting to get that felony conviction expunged from your record in Alabama.  Not that it isn’t possible – but it will be extremely difficult. The first and most important step you must achieve, is to be granted a certificate of pardon from the Board of Pardons and Paroles.  However, not only do you need a certificate of pardon, you will need a certificate of pardon that includes a restoration of civil and political rights. Learn More from the trusted Alabama expungement lawyers at Walton Law Firm.

Criminal Defense Law Attorneys in Auburn, AL

Walton Law Firm’s experienced and professional team of top lawyers, paralegals, and professional staff are here to help you with your legal needs. If you’ve been arrested, charged or convicted for a DUI, public intoxication, drug charges, or any other felony in Alabama and are looking to clear your record, Walton Law Firm is here for you – Auburn’s criminal law attorneys.

[email protected]334-321-3000

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