A Thanksgiving Message from Trip Walton:
Hey Folks! It’s me, your friend Trip. You know, the past several days I have been seeing people on various social media platforms participating in the 21 days of Giving Thanks. While, I don’t personally do a lot of posting on the ‘ol Facebook, it did cause me to take a moment and think about the things I am thankful for.
Back in 2001, after practicing law for decades at a few other large firms, along with doing several stints as a City Prosecutor, I took a leap of faith and hung up my own shingle, opening Walton Law Firm, P.C.
Since that time, over 20 years ago, my firm has been able to assist thousands of people right here in this great community I call home, becoming the most successful criminal defense and personal injury firm in our area. None of this could have been possible without each and every one of you!
This Thanksgiving, I would like to take an opportunity to let you know how Thankful I am that you put your trust in me and my firm. I am humbled by your loyalty and your continued support – whether being a first time client, a repeat client or referring your friends and family to us.
I hope your home is filled with happiness and love this Thanksgiving.
With Best Regards, I am
Sincerely Yours,
Trip Walton
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