If you or a loved one been involved in an car accident, contact our team of experienced attorneys and staff today!
The most recent data for car accidents in Auburn, AL reports that there were 1,922 crashes in 2015.
This means that about 5 crashes occur every day in Auburn. Given this statistic, it is likely that everyone in Auburn will be involved in a car accident at some point in their lives.
So, you need to know how to react after you are involved in a car accident in Auburn, AL.
Here are a few tips to help you get through a car accident without major regrets for how you handled yourself after the accident.
Ensure that Everyone Is Safe
Your safety and the safety of each passenger in your vehicle after the accident is what you should be most concerned about.
Get Off the Road
Many of the most accident-prone intersections in Auburn–South College at Longleaf, College at Magnolia, Opelika at Dean–are unsurprisingly also some of the busiest.
If your vehicle is in a dangerous position, then, if possible, move out of the flow of traffic.
If for some reason, you are unable to move your vehicle to safety. Then, as safely as possible, move yourself. your passengers, and anyone else involved in the accident to safety.
Call the Auburn EMS
If you or your passengers show any signs of personal injury, call 9-1-1 immediately. Car accidents are all too often fatal and a few minutes can mean life or death.
The earlier you call, the better.
Ready to discuss your case? Contact our experienced team of personal injury lawyers for a free initial case consultation*
Document as Much as Possible
Document the How the Others Involved Are Acting
There are too many personal injury cases that seem to arise weeks after the accident.
If you have been diligent to document how you and the other involved in the crash are reacting immediately after the accident, you may save yourself from a tiring and costly civil suit.
This can be as simple as using yours or your passenger’s phone to discreetly record what is going on.
Document the Damage On Your Car and the Other Car(s) Involved
Sadly, those involved in car accidents may misreport the damage in claims to their insurer or personal injury lawyer after the crash.
If there is not strong documentation of the effects of the accident, then it is simply your word against theirs.
The best documentation is an official police report, however, anything else that you can document before the police arrive can be helpful.
Aside from making sure everyone involved in the accident is safe, this is the most important part of post-accident protocol.
Because many in Auburn–the Loveliest Village on the Plains–are neighborly, they may not see the necessity of a police report in minor “fender-benders.” Because it seems too formal or unkind.
This can be a dreadful mistake for anyone involved in a car accident.
Though someone may agree that a simple transaction of cash at the site of the accident is sufficient. You may get a call from their insurer later making claims that they are entitled to coverage for more damage then, what the accident actually constituted.
Call the Walton Law Firm
After you have received immediate medical care for your injuries, call Walton Law.
The team of Auburn/Opelika attorneys at Walton Law have a track record of financial relief for those injured in accidents in Auburn and Opelika, AL.
If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident in Auburn or Opelika, Alabama, contact Walton Law. We will fight to get you the compensation that you deserve.